A photo of Emma Cooksey

Emma Cooksey

My Drowsy Driving Wake-Up Call & Why Misdiagnosing Sleep Apnea Matters

My Drowsy Driving Wake-Up Call & Why Misdiagnosing Sleep Apnea Matters

Did you know drowsy driving has its own prevention week every November? In fact, The National Sleep Foundation publishes an annual survey during this week, updating statistics on drowsy driving in the U.S in an effort to raise awareness.

Last year’s survey stated, “Drowsy driving is a significant public health concern in the United States. Estimates suggest motor vehicle crashes related to drowsy driving account for roughly 20% of all motor vehicle crashes.” My own experience was no exception, and it was ultimately the impetus to my obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis.

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Can I Go One Night Without CPAP? The Results Were Shocking

Can I Go One Night Without CPAP? The Results Were Shocking

I distinctly remember getting my diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA.) I had never heard of sleep disorders in general, let alone this strange-sounding diagnosis. My doctor explained that my airway was becoming repeatedly blocked as I slept, cutting off the oxygen to my brain. When I looked alarmed, he reassured me that there was an effective treatment called CPAP therapy that would keep my airway open as I slept.

That was a lot of information to take in at once. Lack of oxygen to my brain sounded very serious, and I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of sleeping with a mask on my face. Of course, I quickly learned that even going one night without CPAP was worse than wearing a mask.

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Combating Allergies And OSA? How To Spring Into Better Sleep With CPAP

Combating Allergies And OSA? How To Spring Into Better Sleep With CPAP

I wish I had the perfect solution to the misery that only seasonal allergies and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can bring. Truth is, I don’t, however…in my 15 years of CPAP use, I have made it through 15 spring seasons filled with pollen, dust, and other allergens. I’ve learned a thing or two about how to cope, and I hope that sharing some of the comfort measures that have helped me gives you some new strategies to try this spring.

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What One Patient Wishes She Had Known When She Started CPAP

What One Patient Wishes She Had Known When She Started CPAP

If I could hop in a time machine and travel back to when I first received my diagnosis and started CPAP therapy, there are so many pieces of advice I wish I could give my younger self. Until time travel becomes a reality, I hope that by sharing 6 things I wish I had known starting out with CPAP you can avoid some of the pitfalls and curveballs I dealt with early on. I’m Emma Cooksey, and I’m a real-life sleep apnea patient.

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New CPAP Habits: How To Make The Most Of Your OSA Therapy In 2024

New Year, New CPAP Habits: How To Make The Most Of Your OSA Therapy In 2024

Being diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can involve a lot of new habits. Whether it’s your partner adapting to your new sleep setup or getting into the groove of keeping CPAP parts clean, it’s never too late to revisit and improve your CPAP habits, and what better time to try than the New Year?!

My sleep apnea therapy (also called CPAP therapy) has taught me that building habits is a personal journey and what works for me might not be a perfect fit for everyone. I hope that by sharing my habits around CPAP, I can help you develop ideas for what might work best for you.

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Support & Fulfill Your Loved One With Sleep Apnea Using 3 Easy Tricks

Support & Fulfill Your Loved One With Sleep Apnea Using 3 Easy Tricks

If you are a family member, friend, or partner supporting a loved one with sleep apnea, you might be unsure about what, specifically, you can do to help. Here, on behalf of Aeroflow Sleep, I’m breaking down some practical advice for anyone trying to support a loved one with sleep apnea, using 3 easy tricks.

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Can I Treat Sleep Apnea Without CPAP Masks? Yes, With Bleep Sleep Eclipse

Can I Treat Sleep Apnea Without CPAP Masks? Yes, With Bleep Sleep Eclipse

Let’s start with a sleep apnea riddle…

Question: When is a sleep apnea mask not a sleep apnea mask?

Answer: When it’s Bleep Sleep Eclipse, a CPAP solution allowing all the benefits of CPAP therapy without some of the problems caused by traditional CPAP masks.

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3 Sleep Apnea Cognitive Issues, And How Patients Like Us Can Stop Them

3 Sleep Apnea Cognitive Issues, And How Patients Like Us Can Stop Them

Cognition, as defined by the National Library of Medicine, is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Cognitive issues and memory loss are often listed as symptoms of sleep apnea, but how do we know if we are dealing with these symptoms? These are broad terms, difficult to pinpoint in daily life, especially since phrases like “brain fog” have become commonplace and seem to cover a range of experiences.

Aeroflow Sleep does a good job of approaching the clinical angle already, but a patient perspective is special. That’s where I come in; with real life experiences of my own and those of the guests on my podcast. And, hearing their stories, I’m confident that there are 3 common, cognitive denominators you should be aware of if you think you have obstructive sleep apnea.

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Why It’s Hard To Get CPAP Through Insurance Without Help

I lived all my life in Scotland until my American husband proposed moving to Florida, where he grew up. I was excited for the change! I dreamed of trips to the beach and pool and glorious weather every single day.

That was 16 years ago and life in Florida has largely lived up to my expectations, but one of the elements that I found a bit more challenging was understanding the United States health insurance system. Luckily, there are places like Aeroflow Sleep who can help today, so you don’t have to learn from experience the hard way like I did.

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4 Ways To Become Your Own Sleep Apnea Advocate (By A Patient Like You)

I sat in the doctor’s office with a sense of anticipation, almost verging on excitement. I was 23 years old, and my daytime sleepiness was getting so bad that I was struggling to stay awake at work. After an initial consultation, the doctor ran every blood test he could think of. I was returning to the doctor’s office for the results.  

“Great news!,” he said with a beaming smile. “All of your bloodwork came back completely normal.” I tried to mirror his jubilant expression, but deep down, I felt disappointment and dismay. The doctor’s reassurances made me question if I had made up my sleepiness or if my sleepiness was my fault for not sticking to an early bedtime. It never occurred to me that the doctor could be missing a serious sleep disorder and that I should seek a second opinion or push for a sleep study. 

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